Free Guides

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Click on any image to sign up and receive all 3 pdf downloads.  These guides provide helpful information about each topic, with video links sprinkled throughout.

Learn about diastasis recti, what causes it, how to perform a self-assessment, how to help with recovery and healing, and 4 exercises to help you connect with your deep core to start the recovery process.

Learn about your deep core and how it helps to keep your back happy and healthy.  Practice 4 exercises to engage, strengthen and coordinate your deep core muscles promote a healthy low back back and improve your core strength.

Learn more about your pelvic floor, what it does, common pelvic floor concerns, and tips to help you connect with and coordinate your pelvic floor.  


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Bloom Physical Therapy & Wellness

We help pregnant and postpartum women, and women in all stages of life get back to the activities they love without medication, surgery or just “living with it”.

Physical Therapy & Wellness

Concierge care serving Mahtomedi, MN and surrounding areas

Telephone: 651-395-7686
